Hosting a Successful Cookie Swap

A holiday cookie swap is a wonderful tradition to get your friends or loved ones together. It’s simply a party where each guest brings enough cookies to share with everyone else. At your party, everyone has a chance to sample treats, swap with one another, and package their cookies. At the end, your guests leave with lots of goodies and plenty of new recipes!

Select a Manageable Guest List

Having 7-8 guests is a great number for a cookie swap. It gives you enough types of cookies, but doesn’t make baking for each of your guests too overwhelming.

Set the Date

Give you guests enough notice so they have plenty of time to bake. Planning your event for a Sunday is a great way to give last-minute bakers an extra day to prepare. Allow 2 hours for your party so you have enough time to socialize, but aren’t taking up their entire day.

Be Clear About the Rules

It’s important to communicate what you expect your guests to bring–particularly the number of cookies each person is responsible for. (Typically each guest makes 1 dozen cookies per invitee and an extra dozen for sampling.) Be clear about whether you expect guests to bring their own take-home containers or if you plan on providing them.

Pick Your Cookies

You might want to have your guests RSVP with the type of cookie they plan on bringing to avoid duplicates. Sturdy cookies hold up better at swaps since guests are packaging and transporting them. Make plenty of copies of your cookie recipe and remind your guests to do the same.

Create Stations

Create an area where guests can set out their cookies for sampling and sharing. (If you know the varieties ahead of time, you can make display cards with the cookie and baker’s names before the party.) Designate another area where guests can package their cookies. Consider providing tags, labels, ribbons, boxes, paper plates, tissue paper or bows.

On the day of your party, provide warm beverages and enjoy your time tasting and talking with friends!

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